About Us

TeacherReacher is a product developed by teachers, administrators and parents for school districts. The lead developer of this product has a background in secondary and post secondary computer science education. This experience led him create a more efficient way to set up parent-teacher conferences. Through the use of a web application, he was able to streamline the process of setting up conferences by administrators and making appointments by parents.

Over the years, our close ties with school districts has given us insight into how schools manage parent-teacher conferences as well as how to extract the necessary data from their student management systems. Over the years, we have worked with the administrators to create an application that easily adapts to multiple of parent-teacher conference scheduling paradigms.

In addition to TeacherReacher, we have developed custom school content management systems and county sports web sites. Our school content management system allows districts to easily update the data on their site and let each individual school to maintain their own data and create their own unique web identity. Our sports web sites are designed to rank players and teams through the tracking of game statistics. The heart of the application is to encourage sponsors, letting orginizations set up scholarship funds for college bound athletes.

TeacherReacher® is a user-friendly web application that allows school districts to move away from the old Parent/Teacher Conference method of scheduling appointments. In the past, parents were required to phone the school and book appointments through guidance counselors and secretaries. We offer a simple solution that allows parents to use a web based interface to create an online account and make appointments with your school teaching staff.

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TeacherReacher® is a product of PaperFree Concepts Inc.
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